How to Start an Article
How To .....
Short Description
- Problem:
- Idea:
- Difficulty:
- Price Range:
- Material Needeed:
- Geographic Area:
- Competencies:
- How Many people?
- How Long does it take?
Write here the description of the technology and the steps to achieve the goal. It should be recipe like. If there are several possibilities to do the same thing, think about dividing the article: Maybe there are even so many different possibilities that this technology needs a special section. Try to be as clear as possible, use relatively simple terms or give the definition of complicated words: Not everybody who reads (or writes) english is a native speaker!
Don't forget pointing out difficulties, even potential dangers if they exist. -Are there some parts that can't be replaced? Are there some difficult manovers? Does the technology ask for a cultural change? -Some difficulties might appear with the new good or the new commun good, try to adress such themes as managment of the new good, repairs, acceptance and reaction of the community.
-If you think an information needs a special attention and should be diffused only under certain circumstances, consider:
- Not diffusing it at all,
- Warn us about the potential danger of one article at,
- Ask to have an article protected at