Pedal-Powered Electricity Generator

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This article is a draft. It was just started and needs further work.

Short Description

  • Problem: Lack of wind, water or fuel to power a generator.
  • Idea: Combine a chair and the back end of a bike to power a generator
  • Difficulty: Difficult
  • Price Range: Depends on the material's availability
  • Material Needed: Chair, the back end of a bike, generator, belt, poles, welding device
  • How Many people? 1-2



How to Build the Pedal-Powered Electricity Generator

Step 1: Connect the bicycle rear with the chair.
Use an adjustable pole if you want to adjust the pedal powered generator to different leg length.
An example for an adjustable pole

Use a socket to provide more portability.
Connection socket

Do not weld directly onto the crank housing.
Welding around the crank

The final crank position should be a couple of inches above the seat.
Chair and bike are connected

Step 2: The base for the generator.
The generator will be placed on the bottom in the front of the wheel and its base can be made of office chair parts.
Base Generator

Step 3: Generator belt
The wheel shown in the picture above is a 26 inch one. To fit the generator between the wheel and the ground a A78 (78 inch circumference) belt was used.

References and Further Reading

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