Category:Requested translation to Arabic

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These articles are requested to be translated to Arabic.
- You should be able to find the corresponding article title in the thematic chapter of howtopedia Arabic. If not, you can create a new title by adding a line like that: # [[How to....]] to the relevant chapter in the target language.
Please do not translate the categories at the end of the articles as they will be used all over the website
- Please add the tag {{Arabic Translation}} at the bottom of the article being translated and remove it when you are finished with the translation).
- Replace the tag [[Category:Requested translation to Arabic]] from the original article
- Add the tag [[Category:Arabic Review]] to the newly translated article (in the arabic article)
- As well as the interwiki links to both orgininal and new articles by adding the following at the very end of the article. Thank you!!

[[fr:French Article Title]] [[en:English Article Title]] [[es:Spanish Article Title]] [[ar:...]] [[bn:...]] [[hi:...]] [[jv:...]] [[pt:...]] [[ru:...]] [[sw:...]] [[ta:...]] [[zh:...]]